Welcome to the SRC Lab.
Led by Taejune Park the SRC (Secure and Reliable Computing) laboratory at Chonnam National University focuses on information security. In particular, we are currently focusing on research challenges including, Cloud and Network security, High-performance security system, Security for/with AI (as well as adversarial AI), and Traffic and system analysis. We enjoy developing novel security architectures/systems :)
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Our paper, entitled "시그니처 기반 모델과 흐름 기반 모델의 상호 보완을 통한 지능형 침입 탐지 및 방지 시스템", has been accepted to Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology (정보보호학회논문지) (KCI).
Our paper, entitled "FlexMAC: 인공 신경망을 활용한 고유 해시 함수 생성 기반 보안성 강화 메시지 인증 코드 (MAC)", has been accepted to The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (한국통신학회논문지) (KCI).
Juyeon Jeong joined our lab! Welcome!
Our papers presented at Cyber Security Conference at HONAM 2024 and got the best paper award! Congratuation!
Our paper, entitled "HashCraft: The on-demand hash function generator using ANN and its verifier", has been accepted to the ACSAC2024 Poster session.